The 2 Basic Differences Between Creativity and Innovation - Iredafe Owolabi

Understanding the Differences Between Creativity and Innovation


Creativity and innovation are two terms often confused and misunderstood because there is a lack of clear information online on what they mean.

There is a lot of misconception around these 2 amazing concepts, and I have dealt with some of these myths in this blog – 10 Reasons Why Creativity and Innovation is Important in Business and Work.

In this exploration, let us dive deeper into more discoveries I have made, debunk the myths, and get further insight into the distinct differences between creativity and innovation.

Difference Between Creativity and Innovation
Difference Between Creativity and Innovation

The Online Search That Got Me Hungry For Answers

If like me, you have ever wondered: “What is the difference between creativity and innovation?” then I guess you may have stumbled on a lot of confusing answers littered all over the internet. I have been there too, and the sheer dissatisfaction I felt during my research got me doing a lot of critical thinking.

I kept digging and asking questions until I found an answer. I was dissapointed because most responses I found online were either false, half-baked, or steeped in ignorance.

That is what spurred me to write this article so that it can help provide you you and others who come across this with accurate revelation and insight into the subject.

1. Biblical Insights: A Surprising Guide to Creativity and Innovation

Based on my years of research on the subject of creativity, I have discovered that the Bible is one of the most valuable reference materials to find answers to questions like this. In the book of Isaiah 45:12, we will find something profound.

I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

The distinction between ‘made’ and ‘created’ above is a cornerstone in understanding the essence of creativity and innovation.

In the biblical context, ‘made’ and ‘created’ are not mere synonyms; they carry distinct meanings. The word ‘create’ was transliterated from the Hebrew word ‘Bara,’ and it means creating something out of nothing. While the word ‘made’, was translated from the Hebrew word  ‘Asa.’ It means making something out of something. This two Greek words are crucial components in our journey to unravel the mysteries.

For more insights into this, get a copy of my book titled “Unlocking Your Kingdom Creativity”, available on Amazon here.

Unlocking Kingdom Creativity
Unlocking Your Creativity Book

2. Linguistic Roots: Decoding ‘Innovate’ and ‘Create’ in Latin

Now let us go to the root meanings of the words “innovate” and “create” in the Latin language. The Latin origins of ‘innovate’ and ‘create’ reveal layers of meaning that echo through the ages.

‘Innovare,’which is Latin for “innovate”, means to introduce us new. While

‘Creare,’which is Latin for “create” means to bring something into existence, guide us toward a clearer understanding.

The Latin origin of both words affirm the distinction between creativity and innovation. Innovation, with its roots in renewal and change, contrasts with the act of creation, which involves bringing forth something entirely new.

Practical Implications: Navigating Business and Career Waters

As we weave through the theoretical fabric, we land firmly on practical shores. Understanding the difference between creativity and innovation becomes more than an intellectual exercise—it becomes a strategic advantage.

For entrepreneurs and professionals, this knowledge is a compass guiding them through uncharted waters. The fusion of creativity and innovation propels businesses and careers to unprecedented heights, creating a space for unique solutions and groundbreaking approaches.


Understanding Solomon: Beyond “Nothing New Under the Sun”

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV

A frequently cited scripture from Ecclesiastes tells us, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Let us unpack the layers of meaning within this statement, because it could be misconstrued to mean that nothing can be brought into existence, challenging the notion that creativity is limited by what exists. While innovation may thrive under the sun, true creation transcends these limitations, reaching beyond the known.

The above scripture simply means that while there is nothing new under the sun, there is something new above the sun.

So innovation comes from under the sun, but creativity in its purest and finest form comes from above the sun. This reveals a profound truth: innovation relies on the past, while creation draws from a boundless well of possibilities.

If you would love to improve your creativity and problem solving skills, get a copy of my new book titled “Ignite Your Creativity” here.

Ignite Your Creativity
Ignite Your Creativity

Further Reading:
1. 14 Strategies to Develop Your Problem Solving Skills Profitably
2. What is Innovation? 7 Keys to Breaking out of the Box of Tradition
3. 5 Amazing Creativity Lessons I Borrowed From Mary
4. Where Do Innovative Ideas Come From? 6 Channels

Conclusion: Your Take on the Differences Between Creativity and Innovation

Now over to you, I extend an invitation to you reading this and encourage you to share your thoughts, opinions, and insights in comments below. 

In a world where ideas shape the future, where creativity and innovation propel us forward, understanding their essence becomes not just an intellectual pursuit but a transformative journey. 

If you would like to invite me to deliver a keynote or speak at your event, conference or seminar, you can do so by filling this form here.

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About the Author

Iredafe is a creativity coach, author, and software engineer with a passion for unlocking creative potential and inspiring individuals to master the business of their creativity.

He is an author of 17+ books based in Canada. He speaks, writes books and blogs on topics of utmost interest which includes Creativity, 4D Thinking, Problem Solving, Authorpreneurship, and Kingdom.