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Ignite Your Creativity [AUDIO BOOK]
Extract your superpowers, solve big problems, achieve better results, make smarter decisions and live your dreams with fourth dimensional thinking

Ignite Your Creativity
How to Transform your ideas, talents, skills and gifts to creative solutions.

4-D Thinking
Extract your superpowers, solve big problems, achieve better results, make smarter decisions and live your dreams with fourth dimensional thinking

Kingdom Currency for Students, Graduates and Businessmen
How To Achieve Excellence, Get The Best Jobs Without Application And Build A Global Business Brand.

Unlocking Your Kingdom Creativity
Discover proven, time tested ways to Solve Problems for individuals, businesses, organizations and Nations.

Steps to Write Your Book Successfully
How to start, develop and finish every book you write or intend to write without abandoning your book project despite writer’s block or busy work schedule.

How to Make Millions as an Authorpreneur
Generate a steady Six figure income by Self-publishing and Automating the Stories, Knowledge, Skills or Experience you Currently have