Innovation - Iredafe Owolabi


This category explores the dynamic world of groundbreaking ideas, revolutionary technologies, and forward-thinking strategies that shape the future. In this category, we delve into the process of developing inventive solutions that challenge the status quo and push boundaries. Discover the stories of visionary individuals and trailblazing companies that have disrupted industries and transformed the way we live, work, and interact. From the latest advancements in science and technology to innovative business models, our exploration of innovation sheds light on the power of imagination and ingenuity to drive progress and create lasting impact.

The Creative Power of Questions

The Creative Power of Questions: 5 Keys to Innovative Discoveries

The Creative Power of Questions: 5 Keys to Innovative Discoveries In a world filled with endless possibilities, there is one tool that has the power to unlock our hidden potential and fuel groundbreaking discoveries: questions. When I think about the creative power of questions, I remember Indira Gandhi’s quote. Now, Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime minister of India and at the time of this writing, she was the only female who ever handled that office. Despite having similar names, she was not related to Mahatma Gandhi in any way. This lady said something worth contemplating when she said that “the power to question is the basis of all human progress.” A lot of people want answers for which they have never asked a question. The fact however is that life only gives to man as much as he demands from it. If you ask nothing from life, then life will give you nothing in return. If you ask for a penny in life, you only get a penny. By the way, if you would like to have me speak on this or any other creativity related topic at your conference, you can fill this request form here. Further Reading:1. What is the Source of Creativity, Innovation and Invention? 2. Can Creativity Be Taught or Learned? 2 Powerful Reasons 3. What is 4th Dimensional Thinking? A Powerful Exposition 1. Asking the Right Questions Until one man questions the validity of a popular belief that has become entrenched into the tradition and culture of institutions, societies, organizations and even nations, nobody would wake up from the state of slumber which conventional and traditional beliefs places on people. The Catholic Church of the medieval period taught that people needed to pay money in order to secure the afterlife and avoid punishment for their wrongs. Until Martin Luther King began to ask questions, nobody noticed the insanity in the practices of the Catholic bishops and pope. Many people are living ordinary lives today because they asked ordinary questions yesterday. They are asking for an increase in their minimum wage when they ought to be asking for ways they can make their offices, enterprises and nation more productive. They are asking for a means of livelihood when they ought to have asked for the solution to the vast needs in their nation. The truth is that no amount of minimum wage was designed to be enough especially in underdeveloped countries. 2. Embracing Curiosity Every inventor and discoverer embarks on their quest armed with transformative questions that challenge existing norms. The quality of our lives is a direct reflection of the questions we’ve posed to ourselves and the world. Asking the right questions can be life-transforming, while the wrong ones may lead us astray. Embracing curiosity and seeking groundbreaking answers can lead us to success and fulfillment. Thomas Edison has 1,093 patents in America alone to his name because he asked more than a thousand questions and would not stop until he got an answer. On one of his innovations, he kept asking questions repeatedly for more than 1,000 times until he got the answer that made the light bulb discovery possible. Today we still benefit from the solutions that were contained in an answer that came from asking one question repeatedly. This shows you the creative power of questions! He kept demanding an answer to his questions for more than a thousand times until the answer that contained the solution which we all benefit from today was given to him.  Answers contain solutions that come from questions. The quality of any answer is directly determined by the quality of the questions that are asked. It is no longer news therefore, that every discoverer and inventor begins his quest with a transformative question that challenges the status quo. No matter how wonderful things are right now in your life, your profession, organization, corporation or nation today, it can be better. It will only get better however, if you or someone daring enough would question the present situation of things whether these things are working fine already or not. 3. Thoughtful Inquiries When Jeff Bezos retired from his well paid job, he was asking for something greater than a paycheck. He was asking for a better means to get books to readers. He never knew the answer to that question would produce a multidimensional solution provider in the world. Today, Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world because he founded Amazon, the answer to the questions that caused him to resign from a high paying job. Amazon today does not only sell books to its customers as it did when it earlier began. It now sells everything to everyone. It even provides secure cloud services to governments of nations. It also provides scores of other web based services to merchants all over the world. All this came as a result of groundbreaking questions that produced groundbreaking solutions to problems clothed in their answers. Great questions are clearly the quickest and surest paths to great answers and sometimes questions are more important than answers.  How do you intend to leverage the creative power of questions in your own journey today? 4. Asking Questions that shape your life Too often, untapped wisdom and creativity surround us, waiting to be unlocked. Learning from top performers and seeking their insights through intelligent questions can propel us towards success. In organizations, encouraging a culture of asking and sharing questions can foster innovation and growth. Brian Tracy made an observation when on a speaking engagement with some companies. He discovered that most times, people knew who the top salesmen in an organization were but none of the other salesmen ever went to ask the salesmen questions on how they got to the top. As long as they never asked questions they never made it to the top. There is so much untapped wisdom and creativity around you waiting to be unlocked by you asking an intelligent question. This was

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5 Steps to Master Your Creativity

How to Master Your Creativity One may wonder, “can you really master your creativity?” Creativity is a superpower that resides within each of us, waiting to be awakened and harnessed. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, a writer, an entrepreneur, or simply someone seeking to tap into your creative potential, mastering your creativity can unlock a world of endless possibilities. Creativity is a skill that can be cultivated and mastered with consistent effort and practice. Just like any other skill, it progresses through different levels of competence. Understanding these levels in the journey towards true mastery can empower you to unlock your creative potential like a superhero. Let us explore the five levels of creative competence and provide insights on how to achieve true mastery in creativity. 1. Unconscious Incompetence: Igniting Awareness The first, known as unconscious incompetence, is when you don’t know what you don’t know. For example, you might not even be aware of the fact that something like creativity exists or applies to you. So you’re not aware that you are currently capable of being creative. You may not be aware that creativity is a powerful tool that can be harnessed to solve problems for you, around you and to create innovative solutions. To progress from this stage, start by acknowledging that creativity exists and recognize its relevance in your life. Cultivate an open mindset and curiosity to explore the possibilities of creativity. 2. Conscious Incompetence: Embracing Learning In the second stage, you become aware of your lack of knowledge and skills in creativity. In other words, you are aware of what you don’t know. For example, you’re aware that people have learned to ignite their creativity, solve problems and innovate much faster through “creativity techniques”, but you yourself have not had any training in this area, nor do you understand what tools are necessary to become a creative. If you belong here, I encourage you to acknowledge that you can learn to be more creative and that there is room for growth and improvement. Seek out resources, courses, books, or mentors who can guide you in developing your creative abilities. If you’d like, grab a free copy of my upcoming book titled “ignite your creativity”, click here. Embrace the learning process and understand the tools and techniques required to become truly creative. 3. Conscious Competence: Active Application The third stage signifies the conscious application of your creative skills. You have acquired the knowledge and techniques, but it requires deliberate effort and focus to tap into your creativity. What this means is that you are aware of a skill and have the capacity to perform that skill but only when you actively put your mind to it. You can do it but it takes work. If  this is where you are in your journey, you could level up by regular practice and consistently engaging in creative exercises and activities. Apply different strategies and approaches to problem-solving, brainstorming, and idea generation. With time and practice, creativity becomes more accessible and fluid. 4. Unconscious Competence: Becoming a Creative Superhero At the fourth stage, creativity becomes second nature to you. It becomes an integral part of your thought process and problem-solving approach. You effortlessly tap into your creative reserves without conscious effort. With creativity, you would reach the point of unconcious competence when this simply becomes the way you function. You’re not making yourself create solutions faster, you’re just doing so.Just the way you are typing or driving without deliberate attention, you now display creativity without deliberate effort. This level of mastery comes with continuous practice, experience, and an ingrained creative mindset. Embrace creativity as a natural part of your being and trust in your ability to generate unique and innovative ideas. If you’d like to invite me to do a keynote presentation on creativity related topics, you can do so by filling this form. 5. True Mastery: The Infinite Journey True mastery goes beyond unconscious competence. It is a lifelong commitment to growth and continuous improvement. At this stage creativity is not just second nature to you but it has become first nature to you to display creativity at an elite level if that makes sense. Embrace the mindset of a creative superhero and always strive to push your creative boundaries. Seek out new challenges, explore different art forms, collaborate with other creative minds, and constantly expand your creative repertoire. Remember that creativity has infinite potential, and by mastering it, you unlock endless possibilities. Steps to Master Your Creativity 1. Discover Your Creative Identity: Discovering and embracing your creative identity is the first step on the path to mastery. Do not try to copy others or be like others in a bid to harnessing your creativity. Reflect on your passions, interests, and natural talents. What forms of creative expression resonate with you the most? Whether it’s painting, writing, photography, or any other medium, identify your unique creative calling and embrace it wholeheartedly. 2. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Adopting a growth mindset is essential for mastering your creativity. Embrace the belief that creativity can be developed and enhanced through practice and learning. Embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and view failures as stepping stones towards growth. With a growth mindset, you’ll approach your creative journey with resilience and a thirst for continuous improvement. 3. Nurture a Creative Environment: Your environment plays a significant role in shaping your creative abilities. Create a dedicated space that inspires and nurtures your creativity. Surround yourself with inspiring artwork, books, and objects that ignite your imagination. Minimize distractions and ensure your creative space is conducive to focused and uninterrupted creative work. 4. Embrace Diverse Experiences: Expand your creative horizons by embracing diverse experiences. Engage in activities outside of your comfort zone, explore new places, and seek out different perspectives. Expose yourself to various art forms, cultures, and ideas. This can boost your creative skills immensely. The more diverse your experiences, the richer your creative palette becomes, enabling you to think outside the box and generate truly

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How to Maximize your Creativity without Struggle – 5 Key Thoughts

How To Maximize Your Creativity How to Maximize your Creativity First off, why is it important to maximize your creativity? Creativity is a valuable commodity that appreciates with use. When you actively engage your creative capacity, it produces more value. However, if your creativity is caged by tradition or fear, your talent remains obscured and its value depreciates. The parable of the talents exemplifies this principle. It illustrates how to maximize your creativity, highlighting the importance of actively using one’s creative abilities to generate value. Unleashing the Power Within Every individual possesses the ability to be creative, but it must be unlocked to reach its full potential. By allowing your creative muscles to remain unused, they become dormant, making it increasingly challenging to tap into your inherent creative abilities. The longer you withhold your ideas and fail to release your creative potential, the more difficult it becomes to harness your creative capacity. Activating and unlocking our creativity is essential for maximizing its impact. How Does Creativity Attract Resources? Remember the parable of the talents, the one who did not utilize the talent he got but buried it had the talent taken from him and given to the others who used their talent. That is similar to how creativity works and this is why you need to maximize your creativity. The level of creativity demonstrated by an individual often determines the resources entrusted to them. The more creative a person is, the greater the responsibility and resources they are given. Conversely, a lack of creativity leads to fewer opportunities and limited resource allocation. Unlocking your creative potential not only enhances personal growth but also attracts to you more substantial resources and opportunities. The Story of Frank Gunsaulus I first read about the Frank Gunsalaus in Napoleon Hill’s book titled, “Think and Grow Rich“. The story of Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus revolves around his strong desire to correct flaws in the educational system. Despite facing limited opportunities, he decided to establish a new college that would embody his vision of teaching through practical experience. To accomplish this, he needed one million dollars, which seemed unattainable. However, he refused to let go of his vision and remained determined to find a way. After brainstorming for nearly two years, he realized the importance of taking action. He announced that he would deliver a sermon titled “What I Would Do If I Had a Million Dollars.” This bold step led to a miraculous encounter with Philip D. Armour, who believed in Dr. Frank’s sermon and offered him the one million dollars needed to fulfill his vision. With this funding, Dr. Frank established the Armour Institute of Technology, demonstrating that creativity goes beyond ideas and requires turning them into tangible reality. From Idea to Tangible Reality Creativity requires more than just generating ideas; it necessitates transforming those ideas into tangible reality. Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus’s story illustrates the importance of taking action. Despite facing obstacles and a lack of resources, Dr. Frank refused to let go of his vision. By preparing a sermon that showcased his plans and taking bold steps towards his goals, he attracted the attention and support of others, ultimately receiving the necessary resources to establish his visionary educational institution. Breaking Boundaries for Creative Solutions Persistence is a vital element of creativity. Dr. Frank’s unwavering belief in his vision and refusal to give up led him to the resources he needed. Creativity often challenges the status quo and requires thinking beyond traditional methods. Dr. Frank’s innovative approach to education, bypassing conventional funding channels, paved the way for transformative change. By embracing perseverance and thinking outside the box, creative individuals can overcome obstacles and make significant impacts. Nurturing and Harnessing Creativity Creativity resides within each individual, waiting to be nurtured and unleashed. It requires refusing to let creative potential go to waste and being willing to challenge conventional thinking. By persevering in the face of obstacles and taking action on ideas, you can attract resources and opportunities that align with your visions. Embracing a creative mindset allows dreams to become tangible reality, ultimately leading to personal and societal growth. Conclusion: Maximize Your Creativity In conclusion, creativity extends beyond generating ideas; it is about transforming those ideas into tangible reality. The story of Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus serves as a powerful example of creative thinking and action. By embracing our creative potential, persevering in the face of obstacles, and boldly pursuing our visions, we can unlock the resources needed to bring our ideas to life. Remember, creativity knows no bounds, and with the right mindset and determination, we can turn our dreams into tangible reality. PS: If you would like to invite me for a talk or keynote at your conference, seminar or workshop, you can contact me here. Here is a link to my books if you’re interested. If you found this valuable, or you have a question or different perspective, feel free to leave a comment below. Further reading: What is Creativity? Here is My Powerful 7-Sided Definition! 10 Easy Steps to Unblock Your Creativity and Banish your Inner Critic 14 Strategies to Develop Your Problem Solving Skills Profitably

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