What is 4th Dimensional Thinking? A Powerful Exposition
https://youtu.be/TPgMnue6J7Y What is Fourth Dimensional Thinking? The Concept of 4th Dimensional Thinking The world we see today did not emerge from the third dimension of existence. In other words, the things we see with our optical eyes and touch with our hands came from the invisible realm of the fourth dimension. And only people who can tune into that frequency can explore Fourth Dimensional Thinking possibilities. We live in a world littered with problems that seem to have no solution or better put, have solutions that have not been pulled out from the fourth dimension, in order to be brought into the 3D world of space and time. This is largely because most of us have become limited by our 3D way of thinking. There is a reason why you have a mind with such a great degree of power. But most people only exercise the 3D potential of their minds, not knowing that it could do more. Every man who ever did anything great in both ancient and contemporary times tapped into the 4th dimension either knowingly or without knowing. This includes the men of old and the modern-day inventors and creators. That is why I believe this article is the only article you would need to understand fourth dimensional thinking. You need a mind surgery if you must experience the kind of mind-shift that births innovation, reinvention and creativity. And as you read, your mind would undergo a surgical operation that would shift your paradigm for good. We live in a world full of men who are distinguished by their dimensions of thinking. Iredafe Owolabi, Bestselling Author What is A Dimension of Thinking? https://youtu.be/AsKu7ABX7OM A dimension of thinking can be seen as the way things, situations, problems and circumstances appear to a person, when viewed from a certain direction or perspective. Simply put, your dimension can also be seen as your plane of existence or plane of reasoning, and it reflects on how you see things. This plays a pivotal role in determining how you view the circumstances or problems you face at your home, office, business, school and in life generally. Your dimension also affects your approach toward problem-solving and this holds a serious impact in how much you experience the upward and forward movement we know as progress. The Power of Dimension To be full of talent is not a one-way ticket to success. There are many talented individuals who are nothing near success. Also, to be highly skilled is not a guarantee that you would fulfil your destiny in a grand style. There are lots of skilled people all over the world who are yet broke, depressed, and frustrated. It gets even worse when they have skills but it seems that their skills cannot deliver them. Your success in your life’s endeavors is actually tied to having the right mindset and that is the kind of mentality and thought process produced by Fourth Dimensional Thinking. I have met many skillful and talented people who never fully exposed their potential. They limited themselves by allowing their fears cage them. They therefore end up always struggling in the local league staying average and always seeking the path of least resistance in pursuit of purpose. In the light of this, the power of dimension is a major defining factor. What makes a man with skill, talent or intellect become an achiever is a function of the dimension of his vision, thinking and mentality. If you would like to go into deeper details, you should get a copy of “4D Thinking” on Amazon here: Zero-Dimensional Thinking https://youtu.be/J0T3OJ7aEuw Zero-dimensional thinking is the kind of thought pattern that keeps a man on a spot for a very long period in his life, without any notable advancement. Are you stuck at the same level or place for too long? Or you seem to be having the same result for God-knows-how-long and you want to break out of that cocoon of stagnation. Then you must do away with what I call the zero-dimensional thinking. It is a very subtle thinking pattern that comes with complacency. That false feeling of self-achievement you give yourself when you have refused to add more value to yourself. There are people from different walks of life in this dimension of thinking. These are people who refuse to develop themselves and add value to themselves. Even when they see other people making advancements, they say to themselves, “that man is doing some shady deals, that is why he is getting promoted”; meanwhile, they have no facts to back such erroneous claims up. They only talk that way because they do not want to examine themselves or push themselves out of their comfort zones. One of the best ways to jump out of this cage is this: When you see yourself producing the same results repeatedly, with nothing or no one to challenge you to pace up and move you out from your comfort zone, whether it be in your office, industry, society, state or trade, you should begin to look for new challenges. If you don’t, you would stay in one spot all your fruitful years, then wake up one day to discover that you could have become more and done more than what you settled for. Refuse to be the one-eyed man who became king because he was in the city of the blind. A lot of people do not get to the peak of their creativity and productivity because of the fear of risking their golden crown of mediocrity. Hence, they have remained local champions when they could have themselves become a global phenomenon, making waves in a world-wide scale. One-Dimensional Thinking https://youtu.be/IGtl7XfErwQ When I was much younger, I was very passionate about singing. Trust me, I had a good singing voice and joined both the local choir and the mass choir of my local church. I became one of the best tenor back-up singers, if not the best. I loved being a back-up
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