Iredafe Owolabi - Iredafe Owolabi

Author name: Iredafe Owolabi

Iredafe is a creativity coach, author, and software engineer with a passion for unlocking creative potential and inspiring individuals to master the business of their creativity. He is an author of 17+ books based in Canada. He speaks, writes books and blogs on topics of utmost interest which includes Creativity, 4D Thinking, Problem Solving, Authorpreneurship, and Kingdom.

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7 Easy Steps to Achieve Peak Performance Creativity

How to Achieve Peak Performance Creativity Why should you care about peak performance creativity? In the year 2018, I did an online seminar tagged “Birth Your Brainchild” and in the buildup for the event, a lady in her early 40s reached out to me. She was a banker at one of the top banks in her city and had been there for 10 years. She said she was feeling frustrated because she knows deep within her that she was not fulfilling her dreams. She was making an SOS call to me to help guide her out of this predicament. She thought that maybe she needed to quit her job so she could become creative, but I told her she needed to become creative first, so that she could make her dream into a job, and then quit the job she hated. Her job was never the problem, her inability to become creative was the issue. This is the situation many gifted people who are yet to reach the peak of their creativity find themselves today. Many need to stop waiting for an event and understand how to live their dreams one day at a time. Before we delve into peak performance creativity, let us understand what peak performance is. By the way, you can checkout my public speaking gallery here. What is Peak Performance? Peak performance refers to the maximum result that can be achieved or attained by an individual within a given period of time. A lot of people are performing way below their capacity. They are like the man who has a power bike but only used the power bike to outrun bicycles when they ought to compete with fast cars and even outrun them. Are You an Eagle With Chicken-level Results? It reminds me of the mythological story of an eagle that was born in the nest of a hen and grew up among chickens. The eagle grew up with chickens and died thinking it was a “great chicken” not knowing that it was born to soar above the highest mountains. Many people painfully have a similar story. They are born as eagles but instead of being highfliers, they end up competing with chickens and are satisfied with little results. Peak performance is a great necessity for any student, graduate, professional or businessperson that desires to release his or her full creative potential. It is relevant for maximum achievement and can be applied to anyone and to any area or endeavor of life. When you begin to perform at the peak of your creativity, you begin to harness fully, the potential of your mind as a creative. The Creative Power of the Mind: The creative power of your mind is so limitless that no matter how much you have achieved, you can always do more, achieve more and make more impact. The performance of your mind is heavily connected to how effectively you allow creativity to dominate your thought processes. Imagine driving a car with manual gear transmission which has a capacity to run at 180 miles per hour. If you never engage the gear system from one to two and you choose to run a journey of 200 miles on only the first gear, what will happen? You may knock down that engine because it was designed to work efficiently and maximally when all its gears are engaged from first to fifth. On the other hand, when you begin to engage all the gears from one, two, and three until you get to the fifth or to the highest gear, you would discover that it becomes easier for the vehicle to move and to reach your destination faster. That is because the vehicle begins to run on full throttle when the gears have been adequately engaged to maximum capacity. Peak performance creativity is attained when the mind is fully optimized, utilizing its immense potential. Strategies to Achieve Peak Performance Creativity, Productivity, and Profitability: To reach peak performance creativity, you must adopt strategies that enhance productivity and increase profitability. While each person’s journey is unique, the following principles can be universally applied: 1. Define Your Major Goal Define your major goal by aligning it with your purpose and vision. Your purpose represents the reason for your existence and your vision is a clear picture of where you want to go. By setting a specific and challenging major goal, you direct your efforts towards accomplishing it. For example, a purpose-driven individual aspiring to positively impact the world with music may set a major goal of becoming a renowned artist within “X” number of years. Defining your major goal gives you a target to work towards and fuels your creativity to function at peak performance. 2. Discover the One Thing to Do Today: Break down your major goal into smaller, manageable steps. Determine the one thing you must do each day to move closer to achieving your major goal and fulfilling your vision. By focusing on accomplishing this one task daily, you maintain momentum and make steady progress. For instance, if your major goal is to become a major distributor of a specific product, your daily task may involve conducting market research or establishing contacts with potential suppliers. Consistently taking these small steps leads to significant accomplishments over time. Will there be roadblocks? Absolutely! And that is where creativity kicks in as you figure out a way around those roadblocks. 3. Avoid Complacency: Never settle for past achievements, no matter how great they may seem. Continuously challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort zone and strive for improvement. Recognize that your previous achievements should serve as stepping stones to greater accomplishments. By refusing to rest on your laurels, you can multiply your results and achieve peak performance creativity. 4. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Creativity flourishes when we venture beyond our comfort zones. Break free from routine and familiar patterns by seeking new experiences, exploring different environments, and engaging with diverse perspectives. Embrace uncertainty and embrace the

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How You Got Me Pregnant! 4 Inspiring Stories

How You Got Me Pregnant! Before you hang me on the stakes, burn me alive, crucify me or stone me to death for saying you got me pregnant, please hear me out! Will you? Just hear my story and if after hearing this you deny this pregnancy, then so be it! In 2019, I spoke at a conference that had 1,200 attendees. My presentation was tagged “Creativity Accelerator”. It was an explosive presentation that transformed the lives of many. After I returned back to my seat from the podium and rested a while, basking in the energy of the moment, a gentleman tapped me and expressed gratitude for my delivery. He then asked if I had a book that contained the insights I just shared. At this time, I already had 7 books to my name, so he was hopeful that my answer would be a “yes”. Since I had a book on creativity titled “Unlocking Your Kingdom Creativity“, I recommended that to him and told him that what I had shared that day was not in the book.   He was disappointed… he asked if I could write a book that would capture the powerful creativity-laden insights I had bombarded the audience with that day. Seeing the raw desire in his eyes, I made a promise to him that I would write a book on that. It has been 5 years since then and I can confirm that the book he asked for which is titled “Ignite Your Creativity” is getting close to being ready. The Day You Got Me Pregnant I still remember vividly that day when I got impregnated with this brainchild (Ignite Your Creativity book) about to be born. It was 14th September 2019. The gentleman who wanted to know if I had a book about what I had shared was very fervent and effusive in his inquiry. He believed those inspiring thoughts about creativity which I had dished out were timeless and needed to be baked into a book. Now here’s why I held on to the promise I made until this day. I remember that moment, when he requested for the book. As I looked into his eyes, I saw you! I saw you yearning for a book that could help you ignite your creativity. I saw you and millions of others around the world clamouring for this brainchild. That was how YOU got me pregnant… in the womb of my mind! I Considered Aborting This Brainchild Now all I ask of you is please do not deny this baby. Just own up to this brainchild that I have carried in the belly of my mind for 5 years. There were stomach cramps of uncertainty, periods of uneasiness, and sleepless nights. I carried this baby bump of ideas wherever I went, feeling the mental kicks of this baby that sometimes left my brain throbbing. At some point, I considered aborting this brainchild when the demands of my 9-5 job was taking its toll on my ability to carry this baby around in the bowels of my mind. But then again, when I thought of it, all I saw in my mind’s eye was you telling me that I could do it, and that we could make this work. And you know what? I believed you! I believed we could make it work. I realized the immense potential of this brainchild and the transformative impact it could have on countless lives. It was this realization that kept me going, pushing through the discomfort and embracing the growth that came with it. Just like an expectant mother who chooses to nurture and bring forth new life, I made the decision to wholeheartedly embrace the birth of “Ignite Your Creativity.” After I crossed that Bridge So, after I got pregnant, and overcame the temptation to abort, for the next 5 years I went about with this seed like an expectant mother. I started doing and eating only things that will support the growth of this brainchild in the womb of my mind. Interestingly, the baby has a name, and it was not chosen by me. Fans of this baby selected a name on Facebook when I announced years ago that I was pregnant with a book and described to them what it was going to look like. They named our baby “Ignite your Creativity”! So I’m happy to let you know that I have made the final push to deliver this baby, you should check it out here and you’ll be glad you did. PS: If you would like to invite me for a presentation on any of my creativity-stirring themes, or you want to add me to the line-up of speakers for your conference or event, you can contact me here.

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How to Unlock Your Creativity in 5 Easy Steps

How to Unlock Your Creativity You cannot unlock your creativity if you do not have a clear cut understanding of what creativity is and what benefits it carries. Creativity is a propelling force that dwells within each of us, waiting to be harnessed. It has the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, to break barriers and push boundaries, and to shape the world around us. But what exactly is creativity? Is it a talent reserved for a chosen few, or is it a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured by anyone? In this blog, we will embark on a journey to explore the essence of creativity, its importance in various aspects of life, and how we can tap into our own creative potential. What is Creativity? When the term creativity is mentioned, what comes to the mind of the average person is “big thinking” or “having great ideas”. However, from my personal study and exploration of the concept of creativity, I would say that creativity is great thinking plus great doing or great idea plus great action. Great ideas alone cannot produce creativity and the same goes for action. They must go together in order to unlock creativity because it is a powerful force that goes beyond having brilliant ideas. It involves bringing those ideas to life and transforming them into tangible realities. Many individuals are filled with visionary ideas but fail to act upon them, preventing their creativity from blossoming. In order to truly be considered creative, you must give birth to your ideas, allowing the world to benefit from your unique contributions. Therefore, Creativity is a two-step process involving thinking and producing, and it requires the ability to see the world in new ways, uncover hidden patterns, make connections, and produce innovative solutions. Benefits of Creativity I feel like this section needs a separate article in order to do justice to it and provide more insights on this area, so I would not elaborate too much on this. I just want you to keep in mind that creativity extends beyond the realm of artistic expression; it has far-reaching benefits across various facets of life. It enhances problem-solving skills, fosters innovation, promotes adaptability, and encourages critical thinking. Creative individuals often possess heightened self-expression and a greater sense of fulfillment. Furthermore, creativity can enhance overall well-being, providing an outlet for emotions, reducing stress, and promoting personal growth. The Source of Creativity: In the year 2018, I began to study creativity as a concept because I discovered there was not much reliable information out there and I felt the need to fill that void. After consulting different research publications, I had to go back to God to get the true meaning of creativity because what was out there was either half-baked truth or well baked ignorance. It was then God opened my eyes to the truths that birthed “unlocking your kingdom creativity“, which I published that same year. Since then I have gone from stage to stage and city to city, teaching and speaking on creativity and because I had received my knowledge and understanding of this from the source, it always came out fresh. By the way, if you are in need of an experienced keynote speaker for your conference or need someone to do a creativity-focused training for your audience or group, you can contact me here. You see, the truth is we cannot truly understand creativity without considering the God, who first displayed immense creativity to us when He was creating the heavens and the earth. Did you know that the first time God introduced Himself to the world, He did not do so as the Saviour but as the Creator. No wonder the Bible says that in the beginning God “created”. Not in the beginning God “saved” or in the beginning God “provided”, even though salvation is fundamental to what we enjoy from God today. God did not also restrict the ability for creating to Himself. Rather He empowered us with creativity. In Exodus 31:2-5, God chose Bezaleel and filled him with the Spirit of God, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to devise creative works. It will interest you that this is the first portion of the Bible where God filled someone with His Spirit. And it was solely for the purpose of creativity. This passage reveals God’s desire for His people to be creative and inventive in all their endeavors. If God valued creativity in the wilderness, He certainly desires for you to be even more creative in this technologically driven world. The creation account in Genesis reveals that creativity begins in the invisible realm and manifests in the visible world through strategic steps. God shared His ideas with the Godhead, blessed them, and spoke them into existence. This process highlights the importance of articulating ideas, developing strategies, and speaking blessings upon them before they physically materialize. The Creative Process: At the core of creativity lies the creative process, a nonlinear journey of exploration and discovery. It begins with inspiration, sparked by curiosity or a problem to be solved. This initial phase is followed by immersion, where the creator dives deep into research, gathering knowledge and perspectives to inform their work. Then comes incubation, a period of unconscious processing where ideas marinate, often in the background of our minds. This stage is crucial, as it allows for unexpected connections and breakthroughs to emerge. Finally, the process culminates in the illumination and verification phases, where the creator has a sudden “aha” moment and brings their ideas to life through experimentation, refinement, and implementation. If you would like to ignite you creativity, you should check out my latest book. It will help you go boost your creativity and 5x your income. The Scarcity of Creativity: According to a report from the World Economic Forum, complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity are the top three skills sought by employers across industries and geographies. This is because even with the advent of automation, its potential for

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How to Brainstorm Ideas and Creative Solutions – 8 Easy Steps How to Brainstorm Ideas and Creative Solutions   In today’s fast-paced and innovative world, the ability to generate fresh ideas and find creative solutions is more valuable than ever. Therefore, knowing how to brainstorm ideas and creative solutions is a valuable skill to hone. Whether you’re working on a project, tackling a problem, or simply seeking inspiration, mastering the art of brainstorming can unlock a world of possibilities. What is Brainstorming? Brainstorming is a remarkable process that taps into the creative potential of the human mind. Similar to troubleshooting in computer systems, brainstorming allows individuals to explore problems, generate ideas, and find innovative solutions. In this article, we will delve into the concept of brainstorming, its application in group settings through mastermind groups, and its profound impact on historical figures and organizations. By understanding and harnessing the power of brainstorming, you can unlock your own creative genius and foster a culture of innovation. The Power of Brainstorming: When faced with a challenge, you have the ability to troubleshoot your brain and tap into its immense capacity. The human brain, often compared to a powerful computer, stores an incredible amount of information that can be accessed and utilized through the process of brainstorming. That means there is so much information stored in your brain that may not be readily available at your disposal per time until you engage in brainstorming. When you engage in this exercise with a problem at hand, you would begin to see ingenuity in the way your brain would create innovative solutions by connecting and combining data that had previously been stored in it. When the brain connects and combines stored data in your memory, it leads to the generation of innovative solutions. Mastermind Groups: Brainstorming principles can also be applied in a group setting, commonly known as a mastermind group. This can be used in brainstorming ideas for projects in a group or team . This creative technique involves a group of individuals coming together to stimulate idea generation while suspending criticism or judgment. Mastermind groups provide an environment for collaborative brainstorming, fostering creativity and accountability to transform ideas into action. Napoleon Hill, in his book “The Law of Success,” defined a mastermind group as a coordinated effort between individuals with a shared purpose, emphasizing the power of collective thinking. The Impact of Brainstorming: Throughout history, many influential figures and successful organizations have harnessed the power of brainstorming to achieve remarkable results. Andrew Carnegie, the renowned industrialist, attributed his success to his engagement in mastermind groups. His collaboration with approximately 50 individuals fueled innovative thinking and led to significant achievements in the steel industry. Similarly, Franklin D. Roosevelt formed a brain trust group of experts who brainstormed solutions for various problems, aiding the United States in overcoming the Great Depression and navigating through World War II. Creating a Culture of Innovation: Whether you want to figure out how to brainstorm product ideas, or generate more revenue for you business, it is always good to go back to the culture in your organisation. Building a culture of innovation within an organization involves regular brainstorming sessions and encouraging intrapreneurship. By facilitating brainstorming opportunities for different groups and departments, organizations allow the free exchange of ideas and experiences. This fosters a spirit of intrapreneurship, empowering employees to contribute their creative capacities to problem-solving. Intrapreneurship refers to the practice of entrepreneurial behavior and mindset within an established organization or company. It involves employees taking initiative, thinking creatively, and acting like entrepreneurs within their roles, departments, or teams. Micromanagement and stifling of employee creativity should be avoided, as they hinder the development of innovative ideas and prevent talented individuals from flourishing. Check out Fourth Dimensional Thinking for more insight into thinking creatively.   Additional Resource:1. 5 Ways To Build Creative Confidence and Overcome Doubt2. The 2 Basic Differences Between Creativity and Innovation   How to Brainstorm Effectively Let us now explore effective techniques and strategies to help you enhance your brainstorming sessions and foster a more creative mindset. So, let’s dive in and learn how to unleash your creative potential! Here are some strategies, techniques for more effective brainstorming, and brainstorming ideas for students, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians and all creatives: Create a Conducive Environment Setting the right environment is crucial for effective brainstorming. Find a quiet space free from distractions where you can focus and let your mind wander. Consider incorporating elements that inspire you, such as colorful artwork, stimulating music, or natural lighting. Encourage open communication and create a judgment-free zone where all ideas are welcome. Define the Problem or Goal This should be used even when brainstorming activities for employees who work in an organisation. Clearly defining the problem or goal is essential before starting any brainstorming session. Formulate a concise statement that outlines what you’re trying to achieve. By establishing a clear direction, you provide a framework for your creative thinking and ensure that all ideas generated are relevant and focused. Check out this article for more on problem-solving. Cultivate Divergent Thinking Divergent thinking is the ability to generate multiple ideas and solutions, without evaluating or criticizing them immediately. During brainstorming, quantity often precedes quality. Encourage wild ideas, unconventional approaches, and the exploration of different perspectives. Remember, even seemingly outlandish concepts can lead to breakthroughs and innovative solutions.For more insights on Divergent Thinking, read: How Divergent Thinking Can Quickly Boost Your Creativity – 5 Ways. Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a powerful technique for visually organizing ideas and connections. Start with a central concept or problem and branch out into subtopics or related ideas. By visually mapping your thoughts, you can uncover new associations, identify patterns, and trigger further insights. Use colors, symbols, and images to stimulate your creativity and engage both hemispheres of the brain. Also check out the concept of mindstorming here: 6 Easy Steps to Solve Problems with Mindstorming. Collaborative Brainstorming Team brainstorming sessions and group brainstorming activities can be incredibly valuable. Collaborating with others brings diverse viewpoints, experiences, and expertise to the

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How to Birth Your Brainchild and Ideas: 8 Proven Steps How to Birth Your Brainchild   Did you know that God never created anyone barren of ideas, talents, gifts, or skills? From the very beginning, when God made mankind, He blessed them and commanded them to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth (Gen 1:28). The essence of this commandment is not just limited to procreation but also extends to the fruitful productivity of our talents and ideas, which can bring satisfaction, color, and life to others. As a matter of fact procreation is not only limited to giving birth to a human child from the womb. I believe that procreation also includes giving birth to a brainchild from the womb of the mind. Are you Pregnant with Ideas? You may wonder if you too have a brainchild, but we all have those moments of inspiration, those flashes of genius that ignite our minds and fill us with excitement. It could be a groundbreaking business idea, a revolutionary invention, or a creative masterpiece waiting to be born. These ideas have the power to change lives, disrupt industries, and shape the world we live in. However, far too often, these golden ideas remain dormant within us, never seeing the light of day, and like an aborted baby, dies prematurely. We all have the potential to create something meaningful, to unleash our gifts, talents, and ideas to meet the needs of others. However, many of us struggle with turning these ideas into profitable solutions, innovations, and inventions. In this blog, we will explore the importance of giving life to our brainchildren, the potential they hold, and how to overcome the barriers that often prevent us from bringing them into reality. The Power of Ideas Ideas are the catalysts of progress and innovation. They have the potential to transform societies, solve complex problems, and create new opportunities. Throughout history, countless individuals have embraced their ideas and turned them into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the world. Consider figures like Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk, who took their ideas and built empires. Your idea, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at first, has the power to make a difference. If you need help transforming your ideas to tangible, valuable, profitable and veritable creations, then check out my book titled “Ignite Your Creativity“.   Unleashing Your Potential Each of us carries within us the seeds of ideas, talents, and creative abilities. These brainchildren are waiting to be brought forth into the world, to make a tangible impact. Unfortunately, many individuals pass away without ever unleashing their brainchildren, leaving their unique contributions untapped. It is essential to recognize the potential residing within you and learn how to nurture, develop, and release it. By doing so, you can make a lasting difference in your own life and the lives of others. Steps to Birth Your Brainchild: 1. Embrace Your Passions Identify the areas that ignite your passion and align with your natural talents and abilities. Follow your heart and pursue what truly excites you. 2. Cultivate Your Skills Invest time and effort in honing your skills and acquiring the knowledge necessary to excel in your chosen field. Continuously seek opportunities for growth and improvement. 3. Foster Creativity Allow yourself to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and approach challenges with a fresh perspective. Embrace creativity as a powerful tool to bring your brainchild to life. If you need to read some of my creativity stimulating books like “Ignite Your Creativity“, “4D Thinking” or “Unlocking Your Kingdom Creativity” to boost your creativity, then go for it. 4. Seek Guidance and Collaboration Surround yourself with mentors, coaches, or like-minded individuals who can provide guidance, support, and inspiration. Collaboration can often lead to breakthroughs and new perspectives. 5. Take Purposeful Action Break down your goals into actionable steps and consistently take focused action towards unleashing your brainchild. Embrace a mindset of perseverance and determination, overcoming obstacles along the way. Turning an idea into reality requires taking that crucial first step. Start by researching and gathering information about your idea’s feasibility, market potential, and competition. Create a roadmap or action plan outlining the steps you need to take to bring your brainchild to life. Break down the process into smaller, manageable tasks, and tackle them one by one. Don’t get held back from action by analysis paralysis as you do all this. Celebrate each milestone and keep the momentum going. Remember, progress, no matter how small, is still progress. 6. Deal with Your Fears and Take Calculated Risks Understand that failures and setbacks are part of the journey. Embrace them as valuable learning experiences and use them to refine your ideas and strategies. One of the main reasons why golden ideas often remain buried is fear. Fear of failure, fear of judgment, and fear of the unknown can paralyze us and prevent us from taking action. It is essential to recognize that failure is an inherent part of the process. Embrace failure as a stepping stone toward success and learn from each setback. Surround yourself with a supportive network of like-minded individuals who can provide guidance, encouragement, and constructive criticism. Remember, the greatest risk lies in not taking any risks at all. 7. Nurture Your Brainchild Just like any newborn, your brainchild requires nurturing and care before, during and after birth. Dedicate time and effort to develop your idea further. Seek feedback from experts, potential customers, and anyone who can provide valuable insights. Use this feedback to refine your concept, make improvements, and iterate. Collaborate with others who share your vision, as their perspectives can enhance your idea and open up new possibilities. 8. Perseverance and Resilience The journey from idea to reality is rarely smooth sailing. Challenges, setbacks, and doubts will inevitably arise. During these moments, it is crucial to stay determined, remain adaptable, and cultivate resilience. Understand that setbacks are temporary roadblocks, not permanent barriers. Keep your eye on the vision and remind yourself why you embarked on this journey

How to Ignite your Creativity

How To Ignite Your Creativity in 5 Easy Steps

How To Ignite Your Creativity One myth about creativity is that it is for an exclusive class of gifted individuals. In this article, I am going to show you why that is a falacy, drawing inspiration from Ben Carson’s story. You will see that creativity is not limited to the specially talented or gifted people. Your brain can be wired for creativity. The book titled “Think Big“, explains how Ben Carson went from being called a dummy in 5th grade to becoming the first black neurosurgeon to become chief of pediatric neurosurgery at 33. He went from being a dummy to being the man with the gifted hands, who separated conjoined twins… how? He Ignited his creativity. If you would love to go deeper into this concept and learn more about how to ignite your creativity, then you should checkout my latest book titled “Ignite Your Creativity“. The Role of Ben Carson’s Mother in Igniting Creativity Behind every successful individual lies a source of inspiration, and for Ben Carson, it was his mother. She played a pivotal role in guiding him towards unlocking his creative potential. Recognizing the impact of excessive screen time on Carson’s intellectual growth, his mother made a decisive move. She encouraged him to reduce his screen time and instead devote himself to reading books across diverse topics. This simple yet transformative shift sparked a series of changes in Carson’s life, drawing him closer to his creative journey. The Power of Reading and Diverse Topics Through reading, Carson began to explore different realms of knowledge, exposing himself to a wide range of ideas, perspectives, and experiences. As he delved into various subjects, he discovered that seemingly unrelated fields often intersected, providing him with fresh insights and inspiration. This multidisciplinary approach to learning nurtured his creativity, allowing him to connect disparate concepts and think outside the box. Draw Insights on Creativity from Divergent Sources Reading across diverse topics expanded Carson’s understanding of the world and enabled him to draw insightful connections between seemingly unrelated disciplines. By immersing himself in literature, science, history, and more, he acquired a rich tapestry of knowledge that served as a fertile ground for innovative thinking. Carson’s ability to synthesize information from diverse sources ultimately fueled his creative problem-solving skills in the field of medicine. Throughout his illustrious career, Ben Carson’s creative exploits in the field of medicine have left an indelible mark on the world. Here are some remarkable achievements that showcase his exceptional creativity: 1. Pioneering Surgical Techniques Carson’s innovative and groundbreaking surgical techniques have revolutionized the field of neurosurgery. One of his most notable achievements was the successful separation of conjoined twins joined at the back of the head, a complex and unprecedented procedure that required unparalleled creativity and surgical expertise. This groundbreaking surgery not only saved lives but also opened new possibilities for future medical advancements. 2. Advancing Hemispherectomy Procedures Carson played a key role in developing advanced hemispherectomy techniques, a surgical procedure used to treat severe epilepsy. His creative approach to this procedure focused on preserving and enhancing brain functions while removing the affected hemisphere. Through his pioneering work, countless patients have gained relief from debilitating seizures and improved their overall quality of life. 3. Innovating Minimally Invasive Surgeries Carson was at the forefront of the development and implementation of minimally invasive surgical techniques. By utilizing innovative tools and approaches, he aimed to minimize patient trauma, reduce recovery times, and optimize surgical outcomes. His creative application of technology and surgical expertise has transformed the way neurosurgeons approach complex procedures, leading to improved patient outcomes. 4. Establishing the Carson Scholars Fund Beyond his surgical accomplishments, Carson demonstrated creativity in his philanthropic endeavors. He founded the Carson Scholars Fund, which recognizes and supports young students who excel academically and demonstrate exceptional creativity. By fostering a culture of academic achievement and creative thinking, the fund empowers future generations to reach their full potential and make a positive impact in their communities. 5. Inspirational Authorship Carson’s creativity extends beyond the operating room. He has authored several books, including his autobiography, “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” which not only chronicles his extraordinary journey but also serves as a source of inspiration for countless individuals seeking to overcome adversity and unleash their creative potential. Through his writings, Carson has shared valuable insights and life lessons, encouraging others to believe in their abilities and pursue their dreams. Ben Carson’s career is a testament to the transformative power of creativity. Through his pioneering surgical techniques, innovative approaches, and philanthropic initiatives, he has made a lasting impact on the medical field and the lives of countless individuals. Carson’s journey reminds us that creativity knows no boundaries and can lead to breakthroughs in even the most challenging circumstances. By embracing our own creative potential and applying it to our respective fields, we too can ignite the spark of innovation and make a meaningful difference in the world. Applying Carson’s Approach to Ignite Your Own Creativity: 1. Embrace a Reading Habit Just as Carson did, make a conscious effort to reduce screen time and prioritize reading. Explore a broad range of genres, from fiction to non-fiction, science to philosophy, art to technology. The more diverse your reading material, the more your brain will be exposed to different ideas and perspectives. If you would like to take a cue from his reading culture, I have some great books you might want to checkout here. 2. Make Unlikely Connections Challenge yourself to find connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. Look for commonalities and parallels across different fields of knowledge. This exercise can help break the confines of traditional thinking and unlock new creative pathways. 3. Seek Inspiration Everywhere Engage in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds, attend seminars and workshops, and explore new environments. The more varied your experiences, the richer your well of inspiration will be. Remember, creativity thrives when exposed to different stimuli. 4. Practice Creative Problem-Solving Approach challenges with a mindset of curiosity and experimentation. Instead of settling

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How to Think Outside the Box: 10 Proven Strategies

How to Think Outside the Box Whenever I ponder on the phrase “Think outside the box”, the words fourth dimensional thinking comes to mind. I began to investigate and understand this concept when I was invited to be a keynote speaker at a 3 day conference in the year 2018. I spent time studying this concept until I came to a personal conclusion of what it means to think outside the box in truth. This culminated in the birth of two of my books titled “4D Thinking” and “Unlocking your Creativity”. What is A Dimension of Thinking? A dimension of thinking can be seen as the way things, situations, problems and circumstances appear to a person, when viewed from a certain direction or perspective. Simply put, your dimension can also be seen as your plane of existence or plane of reasoning, and it reflects on how you see things. This plays a pivotal role in determining how you view the circumstances or problems you face at your home, office, business, school and in life generally. There are diferent dimensons of thinking. There are zero dimensional thinkers, one dimensional thinkers, two dimensional thinkers, third dimensional thinkers and fourth dimensional thinkers. Your dimension also affects your approach toward problem-solving and this holds a serious impact in how much you experience the upward and forward movement we know as progress. It shapes how you perceive and approach the challenges you encounter. The way you see the world greatly influences your problem-solving abilities and determines the extent of your progress. By expanding our dimension of thinking, and going beyond third dimensional to fourth dimensional thinking, you unlock new possibilities and open the doors to success. What does “Think outside the Box” mean? To think outside the box is to think beyond the third dimensional plane of reasoning. The “box” refers to the third dimension, and the third dimension is characterised by what we can see, touch, feel, taste and hear with our natural senses. To be creative, you need to be able to think beyond the ordinary plane of existence. No wonder the Bible says that things that are visible were not made from the things that appear to the natural senses (Heb 11:3). In other words, if you want to bring something into existence, you have to function in the fourth dimension, which is an invisible realm. From the fourth dimenson, you can bring into existence in the third dimension, whatever you capture with your mind. How to Think Outside the Box 1. Embrace Curiosity Cultivate a natural curiosity about the world around you. Ask questions, seek new perspectives, and challenge assumptions. Be open to exploring different viewpoints and consider unconventional ideas. 2. Practice Divergent Thinking Divergent thinking involves generating a wide range of ideas and possibilities. Engage in brainstorming sessions or mind mapping exercises to encourage free-flowing, unrestricted thinking. Allow yourself to explore even the most seemingly wild or unusual ideas without judgment. Check this blog for more insight on how to brainstorm ideas. Also read this blog for more insights on how to be a divergent thinker. 3. Seek Inspiration from Unrelated Fields Look beyond your immediate area of expertise or industry for inspiration. Draw insights from different disciplines, cultures, or historical periods. Explore art, literature, science, or nature to spark fresh connections and unique perspectives. 4. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity Don’t be afraid to take risks or make mistakes. Embrace failure as a valuable learning experience that can lead to unexpected discoveries. View setbacks as opportunities to reassess, pivot, and explore alternative paths. 5. Surround Yourself with Diverse Thinkers Engage in conversations and collaborations with individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought can challenge your own assumptions and inspire new ways of thinking. 6. Break Routines and Patterns Step out of your comfort zone and break away from established routines and patterns. Introduce novelty into your daily life by trying new experiences, visiting new places, or exposing yourself to unfamiliar situations. This can stimulate fresh perspectives and open up new avenues of thinking. 7. Encourage Playfulness and Creativity Incorporate playful activities, hobbies, or creative outlets into your life. Engaging in activities like painting, writing, or playing musical instruments can stimulate your imagination and encourage innovative thinking. 8. Embrace Constraints Instead of viewing constraints as limitations, see them as opportunities for creative problem-solving. Embracing limitations can spur innovative solutions and force you to think beyond the obvious. 9. Practice Mindfulness and Reflection Set aside dedicated time for reflection, meditation, or mindfulness practices. These activities can help quiet the mind, enhance self-awareness, and encourage deeper insights and connections. Read this blog for more insights on mindstorming. 10. Continuously Learn and Stay Curious Foster a lifelong love of learning. Stay updated with current trends, advancements, and emerging technologies in your field and beyond. Explore new ideas, attend workshops or conferences, and seek out opportunities for personal and professional growth. Conclusion: Think outside the Box By incorporating these practices into your life, you can nurture your ability to think outside the box and embrace the limitless potential of your imagination. Unlock the power of unconventional thinking and embark on a journey of continuous growth, innovation, and creative problem-solving. Let me know your response in the comment section. What strategies you are going to start using right away? Additional resource: How I Became a Thought Leader in Creativity – 10 Inspiring Stories 5 Amazing Creativity Lessons I Borrowed From Mary 8 Great Ways to Amplify Your Creativity With Intuition PS: If you would like to schedule me to be a keynote speaker for your event or conference to speak and present on creativity related topics that could stimulate your attendees to become fourth dimensional thinkers, fill this form and we can work something out. Check out my latest book titled “Ignite Your Creativity” here.

Fourth Dimensional Creativity

5 Proven Steps to Tap into Fourth Dimensional Creativity How to Tap into Fourth Dimensional Creativity As I sat in my study chamber, preparing for a significant speaking engagement, a profound revelation unfolded within me—a concept called “Fourth Dimensional Creativity”. It whispered its way into my consciousness, promising a new realm of possibilities and unexplored potential. Driven by a hunger for knowledge, I embarked on a journey to uncover the depths of fourth-dimensional thinking, which ultimately led me to write a book titled “4D Thinking“, which can also be found here. In this article, we will delve further into the realm of Fourth Dimensional Creativity—a domain that has the power to revolutionize your creative endeavors and unleash your true creative self. Understanding the Fourth Dimension: To comprehend the fourth dimension, let’s first draw an analogy from cardinal points used in navigation. The four cardinal points—north, south, east, and west—serve as fixed reference points, helping us determine direction and establish bearings. They guide us towards known or desired destinations, allowing us to navigate accurately. In unfamiliar territory, these cardinal points become even more crucial, providing a consistent frame of reference to make informed decisions and plot our course. Having said this, I would like to tell you what the fourth dimension is by explaining where it is located. The fourth dimension is a region bounded on the north by wisdom, on the west by knowledge, on the east by understanding and on the south by faith. In the context of the fourth dimension, this realm is located at the intersection of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and faith. It is the realm where divine laws are at work, superimposing themselves over the natural laws of the third dimension. Just as every creation comes into existence through divine laws, creativity finds expression when these laws are combined with human ingenuity. The Role of God in Fourth Dimensional Creativity: John 1:3 emphasizes that all things were made by, and came into existence through God. The Greek word “ginomai” used here implies becoming, coming into being, being brought into existence or being generated. This verse highlights that every creation, invention, and innovation originates from the divine laws operating within the fourth dimension. No one can claim true creativity independently of God’s involvement. Regardless of religious beliefs, inventions and creations cannot exist without the touch of God. Accessing Fourth Dimensional Creativity: 1. Seek Divine Inspiration: Recognize that creativity is not limited to human abilities alone. Cultivate a connection with a higher power and draw inspiration from divine sources. Tap into your intuition, open your heart and mind, and allow the creative energy of the universe to flow through you. 2. Embrace Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, and Faith: Nurture a thirst for wisdom and knowledge in diverse fields. Expand your understanding of the world, explore new perspectives, and build a foundation of faith. The combination of these elements forms a fertile ground for creative thinking and problem-solving. 3. Merge Divine Laws with Human Ingenuity: Combine your knowledge, skills, and talents with the divine laws of the fourth dimension. Seek alignment with the principles of creation and harness them to manifest your creative ideas. Understand that your role as a co-creator involves working in harmony with the divine forces at play. 4. Engage in Intentional Creation: Cultivate a deliberate creative process. Set aside dedicated time for brainstorming, idea generation, and experimentation. Practice active observation, allowing your mind to perceive connections and patterns that others may overlook. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success, understanding that each iteration brings you closer to your desired outcome. If you need a study guide that can help you grow in your creativity in a deliberate and intentional manner, get my book titled “Ignite Your Creativity” on Amazon here. 5. Collaborate and Share: Recognize the power of collaboration and the synergy that arises from sharing ideas with others. Engage in meaningful conversations, seek feedback, and embrace diverse perspectives. The collective wisdom and insights of a community can amplify your creative endeavors and lead to breakthrough innovations.   Conclusion: Fourth Dimensional Creativity holds the potential to transcend the boundaries of conventional thinking and unlock a new realm of possibilities. By aligning yourself with the divine laws of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and faith, you tap into a wellspring of inspiration and ignite our creative potential. Embrace this invitation to explore beyond the limitations of the three-dimensional world, challenge the status quo, and make a lasting impact through your creative endeavors. Let Fourth Dimensional Creativity be the guiding force that propels you to revolutionize your world and leave a lasting legacy. Now over to you, let me know the one step you are going to take to unleash your fourth dimensional creativity in the comments. PS: If you would like to have me speak at your event, conference or seminar, kindly fill this request form.

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5 Great Steps to Release Your Creativity

Release Your Creativity If you are having trouble releasing your creativity, there are some steps that you should take and I believe a mind surgery can help. I am sure you have heard about brain surgeries, eye surgeries, or heart surgeries. If you have, then you know how important and crucial these could be depending on the condition of a patient who is scheduled for one. What if I told you that there is such a thing as a mind surgery? This may sound far-fetched but if you read through this, you would have a better idea of what I am talking about.  What is Mind Surgery? What I refer to as mind surgery here is akin to the caesarean section that a woman goes through when she wants to give birth through a surgical procedure. The caesarean section is often done when a natural delivery is not considered safe or feasible. In such situations, a C-section is done to ensure the baby is delivered safely. How does this relate to creativity, you may ask. Oftentimes, we overlook the hidden potential that resides within our minds. It is as if we need a surgical intervention to extract and bring forth these dormant ideas into the world. While the concept of a mind surgery may seem complex, a simpler analogy is the process of a caesarean section. Now let us explore the notion of a Mind Caesarean Section, a metaphorical procedure that reveals the simplicity behind unleashing your creative potential. Just like a womb harbors a growing life, our minds hold a wealth of untapped ideas waiting to be born. However, these ideas often remain dormant, concealed by layers of self-doubt and societal conditioning. The concept of a Mind Caesarean Section offers a relatable analogy, symbolizing the process of extracting these latent ideas, much like a caesarean section brings a baby into the world. Steps to Release Your Creativity 1. Recognize the Need Similar to the decision for a caesarean section, you must first acknowledge the need for a creative intervention. Recognize that dormant ideas exist within your mind, eager to be discovered and nurtured. 2. Cut out Limiting Beliefs Just as an incision is made during a caesarean section, you must submit yourself to the surgical knife that can cut through the layers of limiting beliefs that hinder your creative expression. Slice through doubts, fears, and self-imposed boundaries to create space for new ideas to emerge. How? Rub minds with people that will challenge your limiting beliefs. Read books and listen to tapes of people who have ignited their creativity.  Try to learn from their stories. If you need some recommendations, definitely checkout my book titled “Ignite Your Creativity” here. 3. Extract Ideas Once the incision is made, delve deep into the recesses of your mind. Explore different perspectives, challenge conventional thinking, and seek inspiration from diverse sources. Extract those dormant ideas that have been patiently waiting to be brought into the light. 4. Nurture and Develop Like a newborn baby, these extracted ideas require nurturing and development. Provide them with care, attention, and creativity. Refine and shape them, allowing them to grow and evolve into tangible concepts. 5. Birth of Innovation Through the process of a Mind Caesarean Section, you have successfully brought forth your dormant ideas into the world of innovation. Embrace the joy and fulfillment that comes with witnessing the birth of creative breakthroughs. Share your ideas, contribute to your chosen field, and make a meaningful impact. Conclusion While the concept of mind surgery may seem intricate, I have simplified it by likening it to a caesarean section. By recognizing the need for creative intervention, making incisions in your limiting beliefs, extracting dormant ideas, nurturing their development, and witnessing the birth of innovation, you can unleash your creative potential. Subject your mind to a C-section regularly and allow your ideas to flourish. It’s time to unlock your creative power and make a lasting mark on the world. You should definitely check Fourth Dimensional Thinking out for a deeper dive into how to think outside the box. If you have an event and you would need a mind surgeon to speak to them via a keynote, masterclass or training, then I’m your best bet! Follow this link to invite me to speak at your conference.